This July, with SPACE we have begun our most ambitious project to date. We are building a Resource Guide for Government Schools in Nepal to facilitate their own Creative Community building projects. Working alongside the Department of Education, school staff, children, parents and NGO’s at local and national level the resource will enable school communities identify key stakeholders and relevant actors and suggest the most effective ways of bringing them together to overcome some of the barriers students face towards gaining access to and improving quality of education. The guide will include creative methods such as Theatre for Development, applied drama and art activities as well as how to engage parents, School Management Committees, Village Development Committees and other key organisations in order to develop a road map for further ‘change’ activities and then to activate those changes in real terms at community level. To begin with over 100 schools will take on board the AoE ‘package’ which will include a colourful paper guide, a DVD of a video training shorts and a 1 to 2 day training workshop. It will take our team 6 months working with everyone to make sure it is as effective as it can be, it will be authored by those already involved: students, staff and facilitators at our current AoE schools in the Kathmandu Valley, ensuring ownership of the process for local government schools. We are so excited and a little daunted at the task before us! We have already undertaken 6 days worth of meetings: here are a few pictures of last week’s research gatherings……
Sahasi Ketaketi: Ride for Life
This ongoing programme has built on the previous ERSF funded project, providing bikes to school children from disadvantaged and marginalised groups; in order to speed up journeys to and from school. This frees up more time for study, homework, helping with family...